Restoration of The Garden of the Innocents Memorial and Children's Facilities

By investing in the future of young people, we empower them with knowledge, identity and a sense of shared history.


Black and White image of Anne Frank

Heritage Image Partnership Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo

On the 80th anniversary of Anne Frank's death, we are launching an appeal to restore the Garden of the Innocents Memorial, which has a deep connection to her story.

Our appeal will fund the restoration and future preservation of the memorial as well as our two children’s play facilities, so enjoyed by visiting families.


Aerial Photograph of the Garden of the Innocents

The Garden of the Innocents Memorial

The Garden of the Innocents is a memorial to all children who are victims of war and terrorism. The white planting symbolises innocence and the raised beds are in the shape of jigsaw pieces that do not fit together, symbolising the confusion and bewilderment children suffer through war and violence.

Anne Frank Tree Flower Removal

Remembering Anne Frank

In the centre of the Garden of the Innocents there is an Elder Tree planted in memory of Anne Frank. Each year her tree has its blossoms removed on June 12, the anniversary of her birthday so that the tree never bears fruit, just as Anne Frank was prevented from reaching maturity.

Children climbing in the Sensory Play Garden at the Arboretum

Children's Play Areas

The Children’s Woodland play area is located within the heart of the site nearby to memorials that remember children. Its location was deliberate to ensure that the children remembered here would always be kept company by the sound of other children playing. ​


Our second area, the Sensory Play Garden, is located near to the Remembrance Centre and was designed for younger visitors. It has an array of play equipment that draws inspiration from memorials and themes found at the Arboretum. ​

The restoration of The Garden of the Innocents Memorial alongside two play areas is a huge undertaking. ​

They are vital to our work to ensure that:​

  • We are a place of Remembrance for those who have lost children or their siblings because of war or terrorism
  • We can welcome children of bereaved families and allow them to play and be children while they are visiting us
  • ​We can ensure the Arboretum is a welcoming and inclusive space for young visitors, enhancing their engagement with the stories we share
  • We can pass on the baton of Remembrance to the next generation. ​


We estimate that this work will cost the charity in the region of £150,000 to undertake.​

Children using the wooden climbing equipment in the Children's outdoor play area

We Need Your Support


We’d like to speak to businesses and individuals that may be able to help with in kind or financial support for the following:​


  • Design support to create the Memorial and two new play areas
  • Removal of current gravel, raised beds and structures
  • Creating and laying necessary foundations and ground works
  • New creative planting and improved signage
  • New play equipment
  • Corporate volunteer support to create and deliver the above

and much more...


If you or your representative organisation are interested in joining us, please email Emma Syer, Business Development Manager at:

Once the majority of core funds have been secured, a public appeal will be launched to support the latter phases of the project.


If you would like to support the project in the meantime, please visit our JustGiving page.

Garden of the Innocents Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum